Treasurer Message
The Shrinathji Institute of Technology and Engineering
(SITE), is an epitome of higher learning imparting value-based, career oriented
professional and technical education.
The motive of SITE is to develop a global perspective
to cope -up with the fast changing technology scenario. In addition to this,
values with discipline are the hallmark of our college, besides, ensuring
quality of the students; here the emphasis is not only on academic excellence
but the development of the overall total personality of a student.
We aim to provide an overall development that nurtures
students towards strong and focus human being and to empower them with sound
knowledge, wisdom, experience and training both at academic level of
engineering and in the highly competitive global industrial market. Our Alumni
occupy very senior positions of leadership in industry and corporate sectors.
We will have to innovate our youths’ brain in the
true sense. Through the technological education in our college, the students
can search for the best opportunities in the world. Today’s Youth are the prime
focus of all my effort in work. I am happy to witness the continuous growth of
our institution in imparting quality technical education to the students at
this part of our country.
I am confident that with the dedicated sincere
efforts of our teachers and teaching, learning process initiated, we could
uplift our institutions as Centre of Excellence.
We invite all those youngsters, who are endowed with
inquisitive minds and high professional aspirations, to come forward and join
us to become a significant MEMBER of the Shrinathji Institute of Technology and

Mr. Tilkesh Bhatia
Treasurer (SITE)